Saturday 21 January 2012

to my love

im grateful for u
to giv me another day to live
to breathe ur air
to see ur sunshine
to feel ur breeze
the prove of ur love for me
im so grateful for wat u have given me..
i want to love u
more than anything else in the world
i want to be faithful
u own my heart, my soul, my life, my body
i want to feel u next to me
listen to me
every moment
each second i inhale
each heartbeat
i want to say ur name
i want the tears only remind me of u
missing u
longing for u
please stay with me
coz i need u so badly
i want this love grows even more
i dun want to lose this grateful gift from u
the peace
the promises
please lead me ur way
my dear, Allah s.w.t

hoping for a brighter day...

okee..2 days being left alone kat maidam nih..mungkin ade me some space for think..cos there are many things to be taken into is not as easy as i thought..its tough..real, i need to be a lot tougher to handle it..supertough...erkk,, xbest laa..supermott jgk best...hehe..alright dear??? soooo...kite enjoyyyy!!! cam xde kaitan di situ..huhu..takpelah...


ekceli nak bgtaw kat sume nih...yg saya....sgt lah x saba menunggu ketibaan my lovely mom as lovely as her daughter surely..haha..dearie bro n little2 nephew...yeahh..theyre heading here..departed 2 mins ago..hahaha..cpt n slmt smpai ye..nak pelok ketat2!!! rindu sgt!!!

tapi kan..i tell u..sometimes boredom has its positive side..yesterday juz cant believe da basuh sume baju kat lam loker tuh! handwash oke?? da kemas bilik! kak nitti cpt balik tgk bilik kite da shiny2 glitter2..haha..even wash up my shoes..seingat saye lah basuh kasut nih zaman skolah dodulu je rajin..pastu hampeh..ermm..bace buku..oke, adekah esk exm?? i rarely open books unless wen the exams coming.haha.
weird huh? well.. thanks to boredom and loneliness..mak haruslah berbangga dgn anak mak nih.. =.=

ermm..wat to do next??
mungkin tido???
oh having sleep disturbances these 2 days..cant sleep well..terjage tgh malam..tido x lena pon..huhu..xnak lah tido...its boring wen u wake up and found out ure alone...

oke laa..nak g plih baju nak hang out ngn mak ptg niii... *wink3*

Friday 20 January 2012


sacrifaction..everyone can say it..not many can do it..yeah..its always for the worries my dear self..ure a strong little girl..u hav Him indeed.yes, u more tears coz He loves u.

Saturday 31 December 2011

new yaar..

da taw daa..taun baru nii sume org nak post hepi2 new year kan??? excited gitu...hihi..same goes to me..tapi cite ni laen cikit laa...mybe u ol nak cite yg u ol da fulfil kan goal list last year or even da renew list for dis year mybe??..but as for excited..i tink ive found something that ive been looking for all this time...nak taw ke??? ermm..itu adalah...
rahsie lah.ill keep it for myself coz its too precious to be shared. =)
nd its a good news.
so no worries.
glad i finally found it.
yet a bit ervous for this new beginning
semoge boleh bertahan selamanya!

not forgotten to all my frens who are going to do their final very soon, a very warm wish of GUDLUCK specially dedicated to u all. DO THE BEST! doaku mengiringi kalian.

im so sorry for the things ive done wrong
for the words that might hurted u
i truly am sorry
sy doakan kejayaan kamu


Tuesday 6 December 2011

dear heart...
stop aching
painful heart is life torturing
regarding SOCRATES law
S (site) - heart
O (onset) - about 3 months ago
C (characteristic) - dull aching, throbbing, pricking, colicky, burning,
R (radiation) - all over the body
A (associated symptoms) - non stop tearing, unable to do anything due to unstable emotions
T (timing) - continuous
E (exaggerating and relieving factor) - increased when thinking of the matter especially when being left alone
released when doing something such as diary-story-telling
S (severity) - 10/10 pain score. very much severe! i seriously mean it! evidenced by very much interfering daily activities and mind torturing!

dear God.. please lead me the way..
to the better life
no more pain and tears
laughs and joy
please help me dissolve the pain to laughters
start the healing process by primary intention so that it wont leave scars
let the mmories remain good indeed.
its easy to fall for it but its tricky to grab it for real
its like playing
its tiring.

Monday 7 November 2011

sekali officially 21!

salam..hai3.. *mood gembire*

hai sume..oke nak gebang kat cini..kongsi kgembiraan..heaven gile dok uma oke? sesape yg tak balik sile lah jeles beribu2 bakul..hati rase lebih tenang dan damai..walaupun masih ada keraguan tapi sumenye boleh ditangani perlahan2.

rasenye da lame da hati ni mengalami sindrome kemurungan berpanjangan.. terasa lelah penat dan letih utk berterusan begini..bukan bermakna ingin menghilangkan satu perasaan suci yg bertamu di hati..cuma biarlah ia sepi di situ kerana harapan utk ia tumbuh mekar mewangi sudah tidak ade lagi..bukan melupakan..tapi semat jauh2 dlm hati..andai die berbahagie knp perlu aku gusarkan. bahagielah. itu kan doa yg dipanjatkan utk nye saban


we move on to the next topic..smlm hang out ngn mmbe lame..ex rumie mase kat matric lu..sbb ta dpt bercuti raye haji so, aku jemput la bliau dtg uma..braye an kitorg! tanx to azie.. lame gile ta jumpe! igt last jumpe mase aku g um dlu tuh..bliau blnje SR! guess wat? we share the same birthday! wic is on the 6th of Nov. miracle kan??? so, kitorg celeb sesame lar ngn femily tercinta..p jenjalan..mkn2..first time tried domino pizza..btw, pizza hut ttp #1 di offense ye domino.hehe..ngambek pics yg ta brape nak jadik around putrjya lake dekat mesjid pink tuh..view sgt cantek..da lame gile ta sambut bday an fmily..da lame da kot...had a blessful hari raye together wit birthday celebrations.

x dilupekan....JUTAAN TERIMA KASEH for the birthday wishes from u ol..may Allah blesses us all..semoga dipanjangkan umur utk terus beribadat kpdNya dan dimurahkan rezki..dipermudahkan segala urusan dunia & akhirat..

Friday 4 November 2011

raye lagi..

salam semua...
yeah.da lame sgt x tulis ape2..hnya mnjadi viewers yg setie kpd bberape blog yg mnarek hati..kali ni trase ringan jari jemari runcing utk menaip barang sepatah sblum kebizian menjengah utk mnymbut hari raye yg bakal tibe 2 hari lagi....mngkin sgt kesepian lagi kesunyian menanti detik2 keberangkatan pulang ke rumah mlm ini..rmai yg da balek.awal2 lagi angkt beg lari2 pegi bas saye??? menten kool..haha. bia lah..tamo lah brebut2 nak blk pling awal nih..padahal sbb bju byk x bsuh lg..huhu.kena stay nk bsuh bju n kmaskan bilek.urghh. tape lah..sume da setel le blek uma dgn ati snang girang dan gumbira..

oke.berkongsi ttg raye haji atau juge dikenali sbg raye korban. seluruh umat Islam akn mengingati peristiwa penting pengorbanan nabi Ibrahim a.s yg diperintahkan oleh Allah s.w.t utk mengorbankan anakanda tercinta nabi Ismail a.s sebelum digantikan dgn seekor ram utk disembelih. wahh..sgt besar pengorbanan yg dilakukan hanya kerana Allah s.w.t. tanpa rasa ragu dan sangsi.

em..mengamati diri sendiri yg sgt kerdil ni..ape ek pengorbanan yg saye pernah buat sepanjang hampir doploh satu taun hidup di muka bumi Allah ini?? gulppp!! recall...recall..recall..cpt..cpt..cpt..

huhu..gagal nak mengemukakan ape2 pengorbanan yg dianggap boleh dikongsi bersame kat sini..xde buat ape2 pon..x pena nak berkorban..demand lagi ade..nak itu ini..da ade itu nak ini plak..salu x puas hati je..sepatutnye lebih bersyukur dan menggunakan ape yg ade kat depan mate sebaik mungkin..

kawan2..marilah muhasabah diri sendiri utk menjadi org yg lebih berguna pada agama, keluarga, masyarakat  dan negara..InsyaAllah..saling mengingatkan antara satu same lain. hayatilah erti pengorbanan yg sebenar dari sudut agama yg tercinta. masih byk yg perlu dipertingkatkan . saya syg Islam dan akn berkorban utk menjage kemuliaan diri dari sisi Islam. itu pesan kpd diri sendiri..ayuh kwn2...

rasanye, tu je yg nak disampaikan buat kali ni.
terima kasih, jumpe lg..